Forum: III EMLA Women Aviation Leaders - Latin America and Caribbean

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The III EMLA Women Aviation Leaders – Latin America and Caribbean, organized by the International Aviation Womens Association (IAWA) was categorized by the Mexican press as a successful event. The forum was held on February 28th, in Mexico City.
Mexican Senator, María Cristina Díaz Salazar who has a long and ample career in politics, participated in the event. The Senator was the Key Note Speaker and shared stage with other authorities, media and personalities from Mexico, Latin America and the Caribbean.
The campaign #MujeresEnAviación, conducted simultaneously with the EMLA, had the purpose of highlighting the role of women as leaders in the aeronautic industry. The hashtag became popular on social networks due to the amount of messages containing it which helped to spread the campaign all over the world.
Among the panelists there were important representatives of Mexican organizations, such as Yuriria Mascott, Sub-Secretary of Transport, who stated that “without a doubt, the inclusion and retention of women in the transport industry requires creativity from the governments, companies and organizations to be able to implement policies and solid strategies that are effective”. The Sub-Secretary also stated that Mexico is sided with the purpose of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) and of the United Nations to propel women empowerment and to promote gender equality.
Before the President of IAWA, Alina Nassar, the Sub-Secretary of Transport indicated that gender equality does not mean that women are better than men, nor vice versa, but that it is about working together and better in order to obtain great outcomes.
Mayda Avila, Responsible of Communications, Navigation and Surveillance of the Regional office NACC of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) and panelist at the event stated that one of the main purposes that the III EMLA Women Aviation Leaders – Latin America and Caribbean is to reach a 50 percent of feminine participation in the workforce of the aeronautic industry by the year 2030.
The Regional Sub-Director of ICAO for North America, Central America and the Caribbean, Julio Siu, emphasized the importance of bringing the event to Mexico given that it is a country with high connectivity and in which the industry is growing, especially now with the construction of the new airport which will become one of the most important in the world.
According to what was declared at the event, the incorporation of women into management positions at companies of the industry would propel the growth of the Country’s Gross Domestic Product by up to a 6 percent, in accordance to studies conducted by the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD).
The current situation of the aviation and aerospace industries in Mexico and Latin America, and the new technologies that impact the market, such as artificial intelligence, biometric check-in, and satellite communication were discussed during the event. Additionally, the compliance of different countries and organizations to the ICAO ruling A39-30 that promotes gender equality and women empowerment in the industry was also discussed. The event concluded with the analysis of the challenges and opportunities of training and recruitment of human talent and of the inclusion of newer generations in the aeronautic and aerospace industries.
The event included the participation of recognized speakers from international organizations from IAWA, the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), the National Chamber of Air Transport of Mexico (CANAERO), the Mexican Federation of Aerospace Industries (FEMIA), the Civil Air Navigation Services Organization (CANSO), the Latin American Air Transport Association (ALTA), the Space Generation Advisory Council, as well as representatives from the Civil Aviation Authorities of Mexico, Ecuador, Panama and Argentina, and from the Mexico City Airport Group. The airline sector was represented by Cargolux, Aeroméxico, American Airlines, and Air France – KLM – Martinair Cargo. The manufacturing sector was represented by GE, ATR, Boeing, Bombardier, Airbus and MD Helicopters. Other sectors of the industry were represented by Aireon, TRU Simulation + Training, SITA, Iridium Communications, CNLE Law, CIMAD/IPADE, Valencia & Sánchez, Universidad de Querétaro and Aviatur Colombia.
The Organizing Committee was integrated by influential women leaders of the aviation industry, such as Alina Nassar President of IAWA, Ana Blanco-Persiani Regional Director of Latin America and the Caribbean of Aireon, Cristina Vazquez VP of Business Development of Heaven Comunicación Total, Teresa Galindo CEO of MD Helicopters Mexico, and Carolina Ortiz partner and co-founder of CNLE Law.
To see photos from the event, click here.
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