International Aerospace Womens Association
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IAWA Las Vegas Connect at NBAA
16:00:00 - 17:00:00 Eastern
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Event Description

At NBAA-BACE 2017 in Las Vegas, about 45 women gathered to meet and network with other high-profile women in the business aviation community. In Dassault Falcon Jet’s VIP lounge, Don Pointer of gave a few opening remarks welcoming the ladies and underscoring Falcon’s dedication to seeing more women entering and being promoted within the industry.

 IAWA is a non-profit association providing a worldwide network dedicated to promoting the advancement of women in the aviation and aerospace industries at all levels across the globe. IAWA sponsors informative meetings, hosts receptions and connects, publishes newsletters, and keeps its members updated on the latest industry developments.

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IAWA Las Vegas Connect at NBAA

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