IAWA Northwest Happy Hour
17:00:00 - 20:00:00 Pacific
17:00:00 - 20:00:00 Pacific
Event Type(s)
Happy Hour
Event Description
Please join us for an IAWA Happy Hour event at Stokes Lawrence P.S. We hope you will enjoy this opportunity to meet and catch up with local members of the International Aviation Women’s Association and other individuals in the aviation industry.
We will have a special, prerecorded, interview with Shannon Huffman Polson. Polson is one of the first women to fly the Apache helicopter in the U.S. Army.
Register here. Questions? Please contact Annette Tortorige at annette.tortorige@stokeslaw.com.
Shannon Huffman Polson |
Shannon Huffman Polson is the author of The Grit Factor: Courage, Resilience and Leadership in the Most Male Dominated Organization in the World, and the founder of The Grit Institute, a leadership institute committed to whole leader development and a focus on grit and resilience. Polson is one of the first women to fly the Apache helicopter in the U.S. Army and a veteran of the corporate world in the medical device and technology industries. |
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