International Aerospace Womens Association
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IAWA London Connect
17:00:00 - 19:30:00 GMT
Event Registration
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Event Description

The next IAWA London Connect will be hosted by Convex Insurance on Thursday 29 February 2024.

Please join us for drinks and canapes on Floor 34 of the Scalpel building in London from 5pm to 7:30pm GMT. This event will feature Keynote Speaker: Kelly Lyles, NED Convex Insurance, NED Howden Insurance and Ambassador to the London Air Ambulance (Kelly will be speaking at 17:55 and we appreciate your prior arrival).

It will be a fantastic opportunity to network and to see familiar and new faces from the aviation and aerospace industry.

You must register for this event. If you then find that you cannot attend please email to cancel/release your space. Numbers are limited so register early to avoid disappointment!
Convex Insurance
52 Lime Street
Floor 34
London, EC3M 7AF

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