Coach, Mentor, Sponsor, and Therapist – Accompaniments in our Symphony to Success!
11:00:00 - 12:00:00 Eastern
11:00:00 - 12:00:00 Eastern
Event Registration
Event Description
Join us for a one-hour enrichment webinar on the topic of career coaching, sponsorship, mentoring and wellness. The panel discussion will speak to the value of a career coach, developing relationships that can lead to sponsorship, therapy and self-care.
The event will also highlight the value of good mentors during the career journey and the IAWA mentorship program.
This event is open to IAWA Members and 2024 Alliance Partners only.
Featuring Speakers:
Miriam Benor |
Carol Kivler |
Moderated by:
Theresia (Sia) H. Schatz, A.A.E. Senior Consultant ADK Consulting & Executive Search |
Zoom - Link Provided with Registration
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