6:00 - 9:00 PM ART
6:00 - 9:00 PM ART
Event Registration
Event Type(s)
Event Description
The event will feature the participation of leading women executives in the aviation industry in Argentina and Latam. It will also be an opportunity to connect and learn from other women in high-impact positions in the aviation industry and share views on issues relevant to the sector.
A.- Connect - Women will be more interconnected as they have the same interest, are linked to IAWA and will be more connected at the ALTA Conference.
B.- Inspire - The speaker will be the one inspiring and each of the IAWA members at the gathering as well.
C.- Lead - Of course the networking created during the Connect will have an impact in all the IAWA attendees for the upcoming ALTA Conference.
Brief profile of the speakers at the IAWA meeting 09/17/24 – Buenos Aires
Breve Perfil de los oradores encuentro IAWA 17/09/24 – Buenos Aires
Dr. Franco Hernán Mogetta |
Head of the transportation secretary of the Argentinian Republic; Lawyer Promoter of Open Skies politics in the Argentinian Republic He was the head of the secretary of labor and labor relations; also, he was in charge of the Secretary of Transportation of the Cordoba province for eight years. Chairman of the Federal Transportation Committee until 2023. |
Secretario de Transporte de la República Argentina Abogado y Procurador Impulsor de la política de cielos abiertos en la República Argentina Fue Secretario de Trabajo y Relaciones Laborales y Secretario de Transporte del Gobierno de la Provincia de Córdoba durante ocho años. Fue Presidente del Comité federal de Transporte hasta 2023 |
Dr. Hernán Adrián Gómez |
Head of the Air Transport Subsecretary of the Argentinian Republic Legislative drafter of the new aeronautical code of the Argentine Republic, reformed a few months ago and co-author of the entire regulatory reform package. |
Subsecretario de Transporte Aéreo de la República Argentina Codificador del nuevo código aeronáutico de la república argentina, reformado hace unos meses y coautor de todo el paquete reglamentario de reforma. |
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Setting: In-Person
Auditorio Manuel Belgrano
located in Avenida Presidente Roque Sáenz Peña 777, 13th floor
Buenos Aires,
click here for Google Maps
Auditorio Manuel Belgrano
located in Avenida Presidente Roque Sáenz Peña 777, 13th floor
Buenos Aires,
click here for Google Maps
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