Press Releases
Press Releases
Last March 26, GALA held a ceremony to celebrate the winners o f the 2014 Awards. This ceremony is part o f the IATA Conference Wings o f Change, held every two years in Chile, within the Feria del Aire y del Espacio, FIDAE (Air and Space Fair o f Chile) event. IAWA was honored by being invited to accept the award given to Amelia Earhart as a Pioneer in the Latin American Air Transport. Amelia Earhart's works and deeds have stood out throughout the aviation history o f the region, paving the way for today's aviation.
GALA was created with the purpose o f honoring and recognizing aviation- related men, women and entities in Latin America who have contributed to the development o f the aviation industry in the region, and to highlight the importance o f aviation to our lives and history.
Alina Nassar, Partner a t Nassar Abogados in Costa Rica and IAWA's Vice- President for Public Relations and Communications attended the ceremony and accepted the award: "It has been an honor to represent IAWA in accepting this recognition to a woman who has inspired us all, men and women equal. With courage, determination and enthusiasm Amelia Earhart broke all conventionalisms to pursue her dream and a milestone in aviation. She has been and will be, without doubt, a source o f inspiration and admiration for past, present and future generations"
Submitted: 05/05/14
Article By: not specified
IAWA accepts G.A.L.A. Award to Amelia Earhart
BEL AIR, MD -- The International Aviation Womens Association (IAWA), a worldwide organization for women who hold executive positions across the entire spectrum o f the aviation and aerospace industry, was invited by the Galeria de Aviacion Latinoamericana, GALA (Latin American Aviation Gallery) to accept an award given to Amelia Earhart.Last March 26, GALA held a ceremony to celebrate the winners o f the 2014 Awards. This ceremony is part o f the IATA Conference Wings o f Change, held every two years in Chile, within the Feria del Aire y del Espacio, FIDAE (Air and Space Fair o f Chile) event. IAWA was honored by being invited to accept the award given to Amelia Earhart as a Pioneer in the Latin American Air Transport. Amelia Earhart's works and deeds have stood out throughout the aviation history o f the region, paving the way for today's aviation.
GALA was created with the purpose o f honoring and recognizing aviation- related men, women and entities in Latin America who have contributed to the development o f the aviation industry in the region, and to highlight the importance o f aviation to our lives and history.
Alina Nassar, Partner a t Nassar Abogados in Costa Rica and IAWA's Vice- President for Public Relations and Communications attended the ceremony and accepted the award: "It has been an honor to represent IAWA in accepting this recognition to a woman who has inspired us all, men and women equal. With courage, determination and enthusiasm Amelia Earhart broke all conventionalisms to pursue her dream and a milestone in aviation. She has been and will be, without doubt, a source o f inspiration and admiration for past, present and future generations"
Submitted: 05/05/14
Article By: not specified