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IAWA Virtual Event - Privacy & Passenger Biometrics: Developments and Perspectives
3/11/2021 - 3/11/2021
11:00:00 - 12:30:00

Event Description

IAWA Virtual Event - Privacy & Passenger Biometrics: Developments and Perspectives

Date: March 11, 2021
Time: 11:00AM to 12:30PM EST Time

The application of biometric data systems and facial recognition technologies in airport environments have brought to light fundamental policy issues around the protection of personal air traveler data as well as digital profiles and identities. Currently, there are no universally accepted global standards for the protection of the personal privacy of air travelers, including the collection, use, storage, sharing, and destruction of biometric data. The opportunities created by biometric technologies to provide contactless and seamless air passenger journeys worldwide have become even more relevant in the context of the COVID-19 outbreak—especially considering that global pandemics could erupt again in the future.

International law and national policies on the use of facial recognition and other forms of biometric data remain in a state of flux: neither are keeping pace with the evolving technology and its applications. The successful application of biometrics in an airport environment will likely be determined by the promotion of a global consensus on the appropriate balance between protecting an individual’s personal privacy, while embracing the efficiencies that biometric technologies can bring.

This webinar brings us a panel of aviation experts to discuss the opportunities, challenges, and obstacles associated with the use of biometric data in air passenger travel.

Moderator:     Paul Clark, Vice President
                     InterVISTAS Consulting Inc.

Panelists:       Isabelle Lelieur, Partner
                    Cabinet Chevrier Avocats, Paris
                    Ellen McClain, Former Deputy Assistant Secretary
                    U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS)
                    Vice President, InterVISTAS Consulting Inc.
                    John P. Wagner, Former Deputy Executive Assistant Commissioner
                    U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP)